Sometimes a change of mental state can be brought about in a quantum leap with a simple word called surrender. Yoga nidra or Sleep with awareness is the art of total surrender to the unknown and total let go of your conscious state moving towards the super conscious state which is totally silent. In a second, you can transform yourself into the most relaxed and peaceful person if you decide to take a leap into your true nature which is always blissful and peaceful. This technique my help you take that leap.
CAUTION: Avoid falling asleep while doing this.
• Lie on your back on a mat or on a hard mattress.
• Concentrate on your breath. Breathe deeply from the abdomen and just be aware of yourself inhaling and exhaling.
• Three are sixteen vital points in your body which can relax you totally if you concentrate on them. Start concentrating on forehead, move progressively to the nostrils, lips, chin, neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingertips, chest, abdomen, thighs, keens, calves, ankles and toes. Repeat this cycle 2-3 times.
• Bow imagines your limbs are detached from your body. Only the head, chest and abdominal area exist now. As you breathe in, feel the air entering your spine and cleansing it.
• Concentrate on the different vital nerve plexus or nerve junctions called chakras and breathe in and out 5-10 times while concentrating on each point.
Start with the root plexus or mooladhra in the space between your anus and your genitals.
• Move to the solar plexus or swadhistan, foru fingers above the navel
• Then to the midpoint of the chest, anahat.
• Move to the throat, to visudhi.
• Move to the point between the eyebrows, ajna.
• Finally move to the crown, the suryachakra.
• Imagine your limbs are once again attached to your body. We aware of your whole body as one unit for about 2 minutes.
• Slowly open your eyes, stretch and get up.
Mediation Technique for Sex
Man is generally in an unconscious state even though his eyes may be wide open. Any Sexual act performed from a state of unconsciousness becomes more a way of releasing tension rather than emphasizing the erotic and meditative aspects. Sexual awareness means that you accept your sexuality as beautiful part of yourself and not simply for a few minutes of pleasure of stress relief. Until and unless man and woman accept their own sexuality as a natural and beautiful gift from god, their sexual performance will generally be short and frustrating. The art of meditation teaches you that this god-given act of sex is natural and instinctive in all of us. The following technique will help you to get back to yourself and follow your instincts rather than rules of sexual performance which are available in the marketplace.
Step 1
• Sit padmasana
• Breathe naturally. Focus on your breathing and each time you exhale let the whole body relax. Do this for two minutes.
• Now bring your awareness to this lower half of your body
Breathe naturally. Focus on your breathing and each time you exhale let the whole body relax. Do this for two minutes.
• Now bring your awareness to this lower half of your body
Step 2
• Bring your awareness to every important, the root plexus called the Mooladhra Chakra, the point between the anal and genital areas.
• Totally bring your mind to this point and breathe deeply in and out.
Step 3
• Inhale and as you exhale, mentally chant the beej mantra Ra. As you do this, keep relaxing and loosening the body.
• Now bring your natural focus to your sex organs and allow the energy to concentrate there.
• Focus until you feel tired.
• Lie down and breathe deeply.
Man is generally in an unconscious state even though his eyes may be wide open. Any Sexual act performed from a state of unconsciousness becomes more a way of releasing tension rather than emphasizing the erotic and meditative aspects. Sexual awareness means that you accept your sexuality as beautiful part of yourself and not simply for a few minutes of pleasure of stress relief. Until and unless man and woman accept their own sexuality as a natural and beautiful gift from god, their sexual performance will generally be short and frustrating. The art of meditation teaches you that this god-given act of sex is natural and instinctive in all of us. The following technique will help you to get back to yourself and follow your instincts rather than rules of sexual performance which are available in the marketplace.
Step 1
• Sit padmasana
• Breathe naturally. Focus on your breathing and each time you exhale let the whole body relax. Do this for two minutes.
• Now bring your awareness to this lower half of your body
Breathe naturally. Focus on your breathing and each time you exhale let the whole body relax. Do this for two minutes.
• Now bring your awareness to this lower half of your body
Step 2
• Bring your awareness to every important, the root plexus called the Mooladhra Chakra, the point between the anal and genital areas.
• Totally bring your mind to this point and breathe deeply in and out.
Step 3
• Inhale and as you exhale, mentally chant the beej mantra Ra. As you do this, keep relaxing and loosening the body.
• Now bring your natural focus to your sex organs and allow the energy to concentrate there.
• Focus until you feel tired.
• Lie down and breathe deeply.
If you have noticed, your breathing drastically changes during sex. Your breath is faster and shallower and this results in more excited state, though with less stamina contribution to premature ejaculation. Remember that with the control and awareness of your breath, you can single-handedly control when you prefer to have an orgasm as awareness to the breath decreases the hormones which are responsible for your orgasm. A man whose breath is stable is able to re-gain control and can then move through the entire sexual performance totally in control of himself.
Practice the following breathing exercises to be relaxed, build self-confidence and bring in awareness which helps better sexual performance.
CATUION: People with high blood pressure, should avoid this exercise.
• Sit back on your heels as shown.
• Bend arms at waist, elbows close to body, make fists.
• Raise both fists up, a bit higher than head, keep elbows close to body
• Exhale forcefully through mouth (Cheeks puffed out) as you pull the arms down, taking elbows behind waist as shown,
• Repeat 20 times, exhalation should be rapid, movements smooth not jerky.
• Inhale deeply and slowly
• Exhale slowly.
If you have noticed, your breathing drastically changes during sex. Your breath is faster and shallower and this results in more excited state, though with less stamina contribution to premature ejaculation. Remember that with the control and awareness of your breath, you can single-handedly control when you prefer to have an orgasm as awareness to the breath decreases the hormones which are responsible for your orgasm. A man whose breath is stable is able to re-gain control and can then move through the entire sexual performance totally in control of himself.
Practice the following breathing exercises to be relaxed, build self-confidence and bring in awareness which helps better sexual performance.
CATUION: People with high blood pressure, should avoid this exercise.
• Sit back on your heels as shown.
• Bend arms at waist, elbows close to body, make fists.
• Raise both fists up, a bit higher than head, keep elbows close to body
• Exhale forcefully through mouth (Cheeks puffed out) as you pull the arms down, taking elbows behind waist as shown,
• Repeat 20 times, exhalation should be rapid, movements smooth not jerky.
• Inhale deeply and slowly
• Exhale slowly.
In yoga, bandhas and mudras regulate endocrine secretions in the body, re-balance hormonal levels, help release suppressed anxieties and blocks and regain a state of health of the physical, emotional and metal levels. They help us to be more relaxed and so more in touch with out bodies.
The first exercise contracts the area between the anus and scrotum/clitoris and the perineal body/cervix and helps to improve sexual retention. It will be beneficial to all including those with premature ejaculations problems. The second exercise helps to revitalize inner organs and particularly regularize the adrenal glands so that those that have low energy will feel more energized and those that are anxious, more relaxed. The third exercise contracts the anal muscles.
At the physical level these may seem simple muscular contractions that will give your more physical control during sexual performance but they work at very deep levels, revitalizing you, relaxing you, raising your awareness and thus improving your sexual performance. IT may take you a while to master but be regular and diligent and you will see the difference.
CAUTIONS: Those with heart problems, high blood pressure and pregnant women should avoid these exercises. Those with enlarged thyroids, slipped discs and severe back problems should avoid exercise 3.
• Sit with legs stretched out, back straight.
• Bend one leg, place ankle on opposite thigh close to groin end other leg and place ankle on thigh of bend leg, close to groin. Place your hand on your knees.
• Exhale completely, pull up the genital space and close the anal space. Keep abdominal muscles tight.
• Relax the lock and inhale.
• Repeat 3 time only
• Stand with your legs apart and slightly bent, feet out. Rest palms on thighs.
• Bend your back and exhale forcefully.
• Suck in your stomach to create a hollow space.
• Hold as long as you can hold your breath comfortable.
• Release Contraction and breathe in.
• Repeat only 3 times.
• Lie flat on back, arms by side.
• Slowly raise legs to 90 degree position.
• Lift hips and supports them with hands as in exercise 1 and bend the legs as shown.
• In this position, inhale and contract the annal muscles tightly but without strain.
• Hold the breath and the contraction for 10 seconds.
• Slightly release contraction and exhale a little, release contraction a little more and exhale a little. Now release contraction completely and exhale completely.
In yoga, bandhas and mudras regulate endocrine secretions in the body, re-balance hormonal levels, help release suppressed anxieties and blocks and regain a state of health of the physical, emotional and metal levels. They help us to be more relaxed and so more in touch with out bodies.
The first exercise contracts the area between the anus and scrotum/clitoris and the perineal body/cervix and helps to improve sexual retention. It will be beneficial to all including those with premature ejaculations problems. The second exercise helps to revitalize inner organs and particularly regularize the adrenal glands so that those that have low energy will feel more energized and those that are anxious, more relaxed. The third exercise contracts the anal muscles.
At the physical level these may seem simple muscular contractions that will give your more physical control during sexual performance but they work at very deep levels, revitalizing you, relaxing you, raising your awareness and thus improving your sexual performance. IT may take you a while to master but be regular and diligent and you will see the difference.
CAUTIONS: Those with heart problems, high blood pressure and pregnant women should avoid these exercises. Those with enlarged thyroids, slipped discs and severe back problems should avoid exercise 3.
• Sit with legs stretched out, back straight.
• Bend one leg, place ankle on opposite thigh close to groin end other leg and place ankle on thigh of bend leg, close to groin. Place your hand on your knees.
• Exhale completely, pull up the genital space and close the anal space. Keep abdominal muscles tight.
• Relax the lock and inhale.
• Repeat 3 time only
• Stand with your legs apart and slightly bent, feet out. Rest palms on thighs.
• Bend your back and exhale forcefully.
• Suck in your stomach to create a hollow space.
• Hold as long as you can hold your breath comfortable.
• Release Contraction and breathe in.
• Repeat only 3 times.
• Lie flat on back, arms by side.
• Slowly raise legs to 90 degree position.
• Lift hips and supports them with hands as in exercise 1 and bend the legs as shown.
• In this position, inhale and contract the annal muscles tightly but without strain.
• Hold the breath and the contraction for 10 seconds.
• Slightly release contraction and exhale a little, release contraction a little more and exhale a little. Now release contraction completely and exhale completely.
Here I am giving you tow asanas to do, Sarvangasana and Matsyasana that are especially beneficial for sexual performance. The Earth and the atmosphere are charged with electromagnetic energy and the currents caused by positive and negative charges create energy circuits. In yoga the body is also considered to be a living magnet with the legs resting on the earth, positively charged while the head is regarded as negatively charged. In Sarvangasana, the body is inverted.
Cautions : Those with high blood pressure, heart problems, severe back or cervical conditions, enlarged thyroid, liver or spleen , peptic ulcers and pregnant and menstruating women, should not do exercise 1. Those with heart disease, peptic ulcers, severe back conditions and pregnant women should not do exercise 2.
• Lie flat on back, arms by side. Slowly raise both legs to 90 degree position
• Lift hips and back off the floor, lower legs toward your head, support hips with hands.
•Slowly bring hands lower down back towards shoulders and bring legs to 90 degree. Support whole body from shoulders so that body and legs are in straight line. Keep chin pressed against chest.
• Hold for 30- 60 seconds, breathing normally.
•Gradually lower your back and legs without strain and jerky movements.
• Sit with legs stretched out, back straight.
•Bend one leg, place ankle on opposite thigh close to groin. End other leg and place ankle on thigh of bend leg , close to groin
• Lean back on elbows and slowly lower head and back to floor
• Bend elbows behind head, place palms on floor, fingers pointing to feet. Press down on palms; raise your head and shoulders to reset on crown of head. Hold toes with fingers.
• Release toes, Press down on elbows and raise head and shoulders. Prop yourself up on the elbows, then straighten elbows on at a time and come back to start position.
Here I am giving you tow asanas to do, Sarvangasana and Matsyasana that are especially beneficial for sexual performance. The Earth and the atmosphere are charged with electromagnetic energy and the currents caused by positive and negative charges create energy circuits. In yoga the body is also considered to be a living magnet with the legs resting on the earth, positively charged while the head is regarded as negatively charged. In Sarvangasana, the body is inverted.
Cautions : Those with high blood pressure, heart problems, severe back or cervical conditions, enlarged thyroid, liver or spleen , peptic ulcers and pregnant and menstruating women, should not do exercise 1. Those with heart disease, peptic ulcers, severe back conditions and pregnant women should not do exercise 2.
• Lie flat on back, arms by side. Slowly raise both legs to 90 degree position
• Lift hips and back off the floor, lower legs toward your head, support hips with hands.
•Slowly bring hands lower down back towards shoulders and bring legs to 90 degree. Support whole body from shoulders so that body and legs are in straight line. Keep chin pressed against chest.
• Hold for 30- 60 seconds, breathing normally.
•Gradually lower your back and legs without strain and jerky movements.
• Sit with legs stretched out, back straight.
•Bend one leg, place ankle on opposite thigh close to groin. End other leg and place ankle on thigh of bend leg , close to groin
• Lean back on elbows and slowly lower head and back to floor
• Bend elbows behind head, place palms on floor, fingers pointing to feet. Press down on palms; raise your head and shoulders to reset on crown of head. Hold toes with fingers.
• Release toes, Press down on elbows and raise head and shoulders. Prop yourself up on the elbows, then straighten elbows on at a time and come back to start position.
Breathing Exercises for good sex
If you have notices, your breathing drastically changes during sex. Your breath is faster and shallower and this results in a more excited state, though with less stamina contributing to premature ejaculation. Remember that with the control and awareness of your breath, you can single – handedly control when you prefer to have an orgasm as awareness to the breath decreases the hormones which are responsible for your orgasm. A man whose breath is stable is able to re-gain control and can then move through the entire sexual performance totally in control of him.
Practice the following breathing exercise to relaxed, build self-confidence and bring in awareness which helps better sexual performance.
• This exercise should be one smooth flowing movement with out jerks.
• Sit in padmasan, palms resting on the knees, back straight, body relaxed, eyes closed.
• Inhales very slowly and deeply as the abdomen expands fully.
• Now start to expand the ribs and chest lifting it up and out. Feel the air enter and expand your lower lungs.
• Keep inhaling slowly and now feel the air enter and expand your upper lugs, so that your shoulders and collar bone rise slightly.
• Keep exhaling, relax chest and gently pull the diaphragm up and the abdomen in towards the spine so that your empty the lungs as much as possible.
• Hold the breath out and then start again.
• Do 5-10 Rounds.
• Sit as for exercise 1.
• Bend for finger and middle finger of your right hand.
• Place thumb in between eyebrows, press ring finger on left nostril.
• Place thumb in between eyebrows, press ring finger on left nostril. Breathe in though right nostril to count of 5.
• Hold breath for count of 10.
• Reverse positions. Place ring finger between eyebrows, press right nostril with thumb. Exhale through left nostril to count of 10.
• Now inhale through left nostril, hold your breath.
• Reverse position of fingers as in step 3, exhale through right nostril.
• Repeat 12 Times.
If you have notices, your breathing drastically changes during sex. Your breath is faster and shallower and this results in a more excited state, though with less stamina contributing to premature ejaculation. Remember that with the control and awareness of your breath, you can single – handedly control when you prefer to have an orgasm as awareness to the breath decreases the hormones which are responsible for your orgasm. A man whose breath is stable is able to re-gain control and can then move through the entire sexual performance totally in control of him.
Practice the following breathing exercise to relaxed, build self-confidence and bring in awareness which helps better sexual performance.
• This exercise should be one smooth flowing movement with out jerks.
• Sit in padmasan, palms resting on the knees, back straight, body relaxed, eyes closed.
• Inhales very slowly and deeply as the abdomen expands fully.
• Now start to expand the ribs and chest lifting it up and out. Feel the air enter and expand your lower lungs.
• Keep inhaling slowly and now feel the air enter and expand your upper lugs, so that your shoulders and collar bone rise slightly.
• Keep exhaling, relax chest and gently pull the diaphragm up and the abdomen in towards the spine so that your empty the lungs as much as possible.
• Hold the breath out and then start again.
• Do 5-10 Rounds.
• Sit as for exercise 1.
• Bend for finger and middle finger of your right hand.
• Place thumb in between eyebrows, press ring finger on left nostril.
• Place thumb in between eyebrows, press ring finger on left nostril. Breathe in though right nostril to count of 5.
• Hold breath for count of 10.
• Reverse positions. Place ring finger between eyebrows, press right nostril with thumb. Exhale through left nostril to count of 10.
• Now inhale through left nostril, hold your breath.
• Reverse position of fingers as in step 3, exhale through right nostril.
• Repeat 12 Times.
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