Here I am giving you tow asanas to do, Sarvangasana and Matsyasana that are especially beneficial for sexual performance. The Earth and the atmosphere are charged with electromagnetic energy and the currents caused by positive and negative charges create energy circuits. In yoga the body is also considered to be a living magnet with the legs resting on the earth, positively charged while the head is regarded as negatively charged. In Sarvangasana, the body is inverted.
Cautions : Those with high blood pressure, heart problems, severe back or cervical conditions, enlarged thyroid, liver or spleen , peptic ulcers and pregnant and menstruating women, should not do exercise 1. Those with heart disease, peptic ulcers, severe back conditions and pregnant women should not do exercise 2.


Lie flat on back, arms by side. Slowly raise both legs to 90 degree position
Lift hips and back off the floor, lower legs toward your head, support hips with hands.
Slowly bring hands lower down back towards shoulders and bring legs to 90 degree. Support whole body from shoulders so that body and legs are in straight line. Keep chin pressed against chest.
Hold for 30- 60 seconds, breathing normally.
Gradually lower your back and legs without strain and jerky movements.


Sit with legs stretched out, back straight.
Bend one leg, place ankle on opposite thigh close to groin. End other leg and place ankle on thigh of bend leg , close to groin
Lean back on elbows and slowly lower head and back to floor
Bend elbows behind head, place palms on floor, fingers pointing to feet. Press down on palms; raise your head and shoulders to reset on crown of head. Hold toes with fingers.
Release toes, Press down on elbows and raise head and shoulders. Prop yourself up on the elbows, then straighten elbows on at a time and come back to start position.

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