Breathing Exercises for good sex

If you have notices, your breathing drastically changes during sex. Your breath is faster and shallower and this results in a more excited state, though with less stamina contributing to premature ejaculation. Remember that with the control and awareness of your breath, you can single – handedly control when you prefer to have an orgasm as awareness to the breath decreases the hormones which are responsible for your orgasm. A man whose breath is stable is able to re-gain control and can then move through the entire sexual performance totally in control of him.

Practice the following breathing exercise to relaxed, build self-confidence and bring in awareness which helps better sexual performance.


This exercise should be one smooth flowing movement with out jerks.
Sit in padmasan, palms resting on the knees, back straight, body relaxed, eyes closed.
Inhales very slowly and deeply as the abdomen expands fully.
Now start to expand the ribs and chest lifting it up and out. Feel the air enter and expand your lower lungs.
Keep inhaling slowly and now feel the air enter and expand your upper lugs, so that your shoulders and collar bone rise slightly.
Keep exhaling, relax chest and gently pull the diaphragm up and the abdomen in towards the spine so that your empty the lungs as much as possible.
Hold the breath out and then start again.
Do 5-10 Rounds.


Sit as for exercise 1.
Bend for finger and middle finger of your right hand.
Place thumb in between eyebrows, press ring finger on left nostril.
Place thumb in between eyebrows, press ring finger on left nostril. Breathe in though right nostril to count of 5.
Hold breath for count of 10.
Reverse positions. Place ring finger between eyebrows, press right nostril with thumb. Exhale through left nostril to count of 10.
Now inhale through left nostril, hold your breath.
Reverse position of fingers as in step 3, exhale through right nostril.
Repeat 12 Times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First one I believe is Uddiyana Bandha. You could also post some warning